
Monday, May 18, 2009

waiting on the edge

i got laid off from a decent job in February, on Friday the 13th actually, and i took the first job that i was offered after that. it is a very easy job, but there are a lot of drawbacks. so i decided to look for something else, and got a job working for Chevrolet. i put in my 2 weeks notice and i have a couple more days before my last day. this morning i got a call from the person who was going to be my manager and she told me that they had to shut down the Chrysler dealership all together, and that the higher-ups had put a freeze on Chevrolet's hiring. so i had the worst nite of my life last nite, and then this morning i get that call. i called my current boss and asked if they had someone to fill my spot yet and he said yes. 3 different people have pretty much screwed me over and have just said "i'm sorry." i'd like to think that saying all of these people screwed me over is an exaggeration, but it's not. my current job doesn't document hours or taxes properly, my supposed-to-be new job told me to put my 2 weeks in and then tells me that they can't hire me anymore. and then someone else hurt me beyond belief. i just don't understand why this is happening to me all at once. i guess when it rains it really does pour. at least i have a roof over my head and a car to get me where i need to go. and i have an updated resume, that helps things.


  1. I wish I had eloquent words to try my best to make you feel some kind of relief or hope. But I still firmly believe you will make it and come out on top. If you ever need someone to talk to I am here.

  2. thanks for the encouraging words.
    it's hard to talk to anyone when you feel so alone. i don't have anything in my heart except misery and despair, so i probably won't be much for conversation.
